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Successful companies aren't created by chance. Building a thriving business requires more than just hard work and aspirations; it demands capital. Having the right financial resources available to grow your business is essential.

At PLANET and with the collaboration of our funding specialist subsidiary company REDECON, we help our clients to achieve success in their funding needs. We help clients identify the most suitable funding opportunities, craft successful grant applications, get the best terms from bank financing possibilities and develop a funding strategy that aligns with their organizational goals. We offer guidance on all financial, administrative, and reporting obligations that arise from funding. Our support and guidance extend through the entire process, from setting up their project to executing it.

  • Feasibility studies for business idea development
  • Formulation and evaluation of investment plans
  • Support for inclusion in European and national funding programs (NSRF, Recovery and Resilience Fund, Development Fund, Strategic Investments, etc.)
  • Management of investment project implementation (project management, administration, oversight, and monitoring)

  • Increased Success Rate
  • Time and Resource Efficiency
  • Expert Knowledge
  • Strategic Planning
  • Risk Mitigation
  • Enhanced Financial Management

How can we help you?

Get in touch with us and find exactly what you need.
